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Forza d'Agrò paese medievale a due passi da Taormina e l'Etna. Ricco d'arte, storia e cultura, panorami mozzafiato. Famoso per aver accolto i cast di moltissimi film tra i quali Il Padrino parte I, Parte II e Parte III che hanno conseguito 27 nominations e 9 Oscar

Totale Visitatori dal 16 Giugno 2001
 Forza d'Agrò paese medievale a due passi da Taormina e l'Etna. Ricco di arte, storia e cultura, panorami mozzafiato. Famoso per aver accolto i cast di molti film.

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Geographical Aspects

Mount Margi is the highest asperity in the Forzese territory. The the others are Serro Sant'Anna, S. Leo, Mount Rocca Scala. The River Agrò bordes the territory of Forza D'Agrò and is located near Scifì. Other small torrents flow along the valley. The Caliero and Fondaco Parrino are the two main ones.
The arborescent vegetation is the "Macchia Mediterranean" (mediterranean spot) - carob trees, oak trees, figs, walnut, halenut and almond trees.In the crevices of the old walls there are caper plants in the country there are origano plants and close to the dry walls there are laural plants.
In the coolest and shaded part of the valley, where there is trace of water, there are fern trees.
There have been a profound transformation of the presence of the faunistic species of animal life in this part of the valley.
Other than the jay (bird), hares and foxes, typical of the area, the quail, the woodpigeon, the woodcock and wild rabbits are ambitious preys for the hunter.

Translation by  Maria Nirelli

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Forzadagro.org 2001-2017

Emanuele Giuseppe Di Cara Viale delle Rimembranze Forza D'Agrò E-mail: toglimi_edicara@aruba.it*
Nicola Di Cara Via Bachelet 40 31015 Conegliano (TV) E-mail: toglimi_ndicara1@tin.it* sito web
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