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Forza d'Agrò paese medievale a due passi da Taormina e l'Etna. Ricco d'arte, storia e cultura, panorami mozzafiato. Famoso per aver accolto i cast di moltissimi film tra i quali Il Padrino parte I, Parte II e Parte III che hanno conseguito 27 nominations e 9 Oscar

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 Forza d'Agrò paese medievale a due passi da Taormina e l'Etna. Ricco di arte, storia e cultura, panorami mozzafiato. Famoso per aver accolto i cast di molti film.

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The Old Quarters

Versione Italiana

On a spacious and salubrious terrace at the bottom of the rock of the Norman Castle the first houses were built which gradually became a village under the austere and smoking Etna called Magghia.
The houses have perimetric walls built on enormous rocks jutting from the ground built on the edge of a rock ravine.
The small houses of rock and earth were constructed without following any technical requisites have resisted unyielding through the centuries.
The area can be approached by the narrow and winding paths, with small court yards.
In the old quarter there are the remains of San Sebastian Church. It had one nave and built on a rectangular plant.
At the end of the nave there is a beautiful fresco of the Omnipotence. The Omnipotence is represented by an elderly man with a long white beard, in a red cloak with a triangle over its head.
To reach the Quartarello one must climb steps passing through court yards. Houses can be seen as if in heaps and in a zig-zag fashion, intricate like a maze.
The constructions of this neighbourhood are formed as if leaning against the rock in the medieval style.
Nowadays the houses are uninhabited. What remains of that era are the arched doors, some round widows and bolcanies.
Very few houses have been restored.
One house is particularly distinguishable by its door and the bracket of the balcony has an anhropocentric design, while a climbing plant decorates the sixteenth century front.

Translation by  Maria Nirelli

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