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Forza d'Agrò paese medievale a due passi da Taormina e l'Etna. Ricco d'arte, storia e cultura, panorami mozzafiato. Famoso per aver accolto i cast di moltissimi film tra i quali Il Padrino parte I, Parte II e Parte III che hanno conseguito 27 nominations e 9 Oscar

 Forza d'Agrò paese medievale a due passi da Taormina e l'Etna. Ricco di arte, storia e cultura, panorami mozzafiato. Famoso per aver accolto i cast di molti film.

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Versione Italiana

The further one goes into the mountains the more impassible it becomes. There are abandoned farm-houses and palmates (used for wine making). The atmospheric surroundings and the men of the past were able to excavate shelters in the heavy rocks for themselves and for their animals. It is thought that some were used by hermits for their dwelling place. These are visible at the foot of "Rocche a Scala" (Stairs in Rocks) at Rizzo on the boundaries of Gallodoro close to Serro S. Anna and the green woods of Margi. The panorama that can be admired from the heights of Forza D'Agrò are varied and enchanting but the most fascinating cosist of the primeval pastoral areas. 

Vecchio Casolare in contrada Rizzo

To appreciate all these aspects of the countryside which this particular area offers, one must visit Santoleo where the shepherds take their sheep for grazing. Following through the old trodden pathways and the road of this mountainous territory, one arrives at the highest point of Santoleo, where the visitor can enjoy the lunar atmosphere of the zone. Following down an excavated winding road from Vignale, passing "fontana del Canale", one arrives at Casale. Here there are signs of old times.

There are perimetrical walls made of stone and earth. There is the small Church of Saint Michele simple and modest, in full harmony with the countryside that surrounds it.

In the antique locality of Casale there is an abundance of olives, almonds, oak trees and traces of agricultural life of past times that must have been very intense. Amongst all this nature there is a threshing-floor, a primitive millstone, excavated in a big block of sandstone. Maybe it were the Greeks who gave the name Scifì to this fraction of Forza D'Agrò. The Greek term "scifus" which has the meaning of cup "coppa vaso da bere" (drinking cup), in fact the district has the shape of a basin. The position of the small centre, halfway in the hillside permits the residence to dedicate their time to agriculture with competence and passion. The lands are kept in order and are cultivated and accessible. Fruit and vegetables are grown and there are also vineyards.

As is supposed from the discoveries of some ruins in Schifì that the temple of Agrò had once existed on the right side of the river. However, the excavators have discovered the remains of a farm of the Imperial-Roman period.

Translation by  Maria Nirelli

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